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One of the master photographers most admired by Patrice Delmotte is “Sebastião Salgado”. He quotes: "The word photography comes from the Greek 'photo' which means light and ‘graphein’ write or draw. A photographer rewrites the world with lights and shadows". Patrice Delmotte doesn’t have the pretension to re-write the world but as a freelance photographer he has the modest aim of writing a vision of his world and of beauty, and to do so in his best language: photography.
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One of the master photographers most admired by Patrice Delmotte is “Sebastião Salgado”. He quotes: "The word photography comes from the Greek 'photo' which means light and ‘graphein’ write or draw. A photographer rewrites the world with lights and shadows". Patrice Delmotte doesn’t have the pretension to re-write the world but as a freelance photographer he has the modest aim of writing a vision of his world and of beauty, and to do so in his best language: photography.
Pictures of the day
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When I first saw Patrice’s photography, I was stunned and touched by the beauty of his work. His sense of aesthetic is not purely from technique and knowledge of photography. Instead, I was impressed by his instinct and insight of beauty. I have seen many similar works like Patrice's in Taiwan. Most photographers take nature scenery without much understanding of aesthetic; While Patrice's works are distinctive and has a unique flair. To me, beauty of art is not just about understanding or not; it is about whether you have been touched by it or not. Mr. Patrice's works have showed not only his special perception of details but also his expression of purity and sincerity. Hwang Chun-Ming Mr. Hwang Chun-Ming, author and founder of “Bigfish Children’s Theatre”, for cultivating children’s interest in art. |